How to handle back to back training in the winter?
Back to back training is normal, right? Well yes for most of us, but for those of us that don’t have a coach it becomes very easy to miss days when the body is aching a little bit or there is nobody there to be accountable to.
“You can’t out train consistency”
Below I’m going to outline a few things that might just trigger a lightbulb moment for some of you reading this to ensure you’re getting the very most out of all of the training you’re doing!
Consistent training is one of the most efficient ways to improve aerobic capacity and sustainable power. This doesn’t mean ride for 365 days of the year, it means ride for a 3 or 4 day block, then rest, and rest means REST! Make sure you utilise the rest days and let the body recover before starting the next short block of training!
Recovery – there are LOTS of ways to help and aid recovery day to day. Fueling/nutrition shortly after exercise, foam rolling/stretching, massage guns and Air Compression Recovery Boots are all methods to improve and increase recovery between sessions.
Planning your time – we’ve all got busy lives whether it is with work, family or a buzzing social life but ultimately if you can plan the training and plan your time at the beginning of the week the only thing that will stop you accomplishing the sessions is yourself!
Be realistic – we’d all love to train and race like a pro but ultimately for many of us it just isn’t realistic. If you’ve planned your week and you look at it and think “hmm, that might not be plausible this week but I’ll give it a go” then there is a good chance you’ll end up either missing or not completing the full week!
All of the above points are really here to outline the smaller things than can heavily impact consistency within your training. Physiologically you really can’t out train consistency. And what I mean by that is no matter how much panic training you do, you will never overcome a lack of consistency within your training.